Compliance Made Easy With Complytek

Simplify your workflow and record keeping with our all-in-one CLM solution


Designated Non-financial Businesses And Professionals, We Have A Solution For You!

Save Time and Protect Your Reputation

Forget the days of manual risk assessments and transaction monitoring. With real-time updates, alerts, and reminders for all your clients, staying compliant and meeting reporting obligations has never been easier.

All-in-One Compliance Hub

Everything you need, all in one place. Choose from our extensive offerings like AML screening, daily monitoring of sanctions, and adverse media—plus many more services tailored to your needs. 

Customized Control

Take control with tailored solutions. Set your own risk assessment criteria and parameters for any location around the world. Enjoy a solution that’s designed just for you.

Uncompromised Security

Enhanced security for peace of mind. We prioritize your data security and compliance. Fully GDPR compliant and aligned with your regulatory needs, we ensure your operations are secure and regulator-friendly.


Here's How It Works

Client Onboarding

Streamlining Client Onboarding with RegTek CLM Solution

The main function of the RegTek CLM Solution is to make client onboarding effortless.

The tools for onboarding clients can be found in the “Know Your Clients” section of the main menu.

Clients can be onboarded by importing them using an Excel template or adding them individually using the “Add” buttons.

You can customize the client information grid by selecting which columns to display and grouping clients by specific criteria.

The onboarding process for corporate clients involves adding addresses, collecting necessary documents, and creating their corporate tree structure.

Risk Assessment

Empower Your Risk Assessment with RegTek Solution

The main benefit is that it simplifies assessing risks, providing valuable insights to help make informed decisions.

You can access the evaluation screen directly from your client profiles.

You can customize the evaluation criteria and responses to fit your specific needs, allowing the platform to integrate seamlessly with your workflow.

The final evaluation score and grade are displayed directly on the client’s profile.

The solution allows you to export comprehensive evaluation reports with just a few clicks.

Negative List Screening

Streamline Negative List Screening with RegTek Solution

The main purpose is to simplify the process of screening against negative lists, empowering users to make informed decisions easily.

Users can perform ad hoc searches quickly and efficiently using the business search button.

Users can review the search results and easily modify their status as needed.

The solution includes a person monitoring button that allows users to add profiles to an ongoing monitoring list.

Our RegTek solution  sends alert notifications to users to review any new alerts as they arise, ensuring timely compliance management.



Ready for technology that will change the way you work?

Choose from tailored subscription plans designed to meet your needs. Once you’ve chosen your plan and made your payment, our team will get you up and running in under 72 hours. Join us and transform the way you work today. 

Small Business Plan

Ideal for small to medium-sized businesses

300 AML Screenings

Daily Monitoring

Risk Assesment


Corporate Plan

Perfect for larger corporations

1000 AML Screenings

Daily Monitoring

Risk Assesment


Already a subscriber?

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There are no such thing as a silly question. Don’t be shy and reach out to our friendly team! We are ready to assist you with any product related query so you can make an informed decision with a peace of mind.