Introducing Complytek: The Evolution of Regulatory Technology – Our New Brand and Website

March 05, 2024

Complytek Unveils New Brand Identity and Website: A Leap Forward in RegTech Innovation

The Evolution of Complytek: From iSPIRAL to a New Era

We are thrilled to announce a monumental step in our journey: the rebranding of iSPIRAL to Complytek. This change is more than just a new brand name; it signifies our evolution and commitment to leading the future of regulatory technology. Our new website,, is the embodiment of this vision, offering a glimpse into our advanced solutions and dedication to combating financial crime, fraud, and compliance risks.

Empowering the Fight Against Financial Crime with AI-Driven Solutions

Our mission at Complytek is clear: to create a world safeguarded against financial crime, fraud, money laundering, and trafficking. The heart of our rebranding reflects our commitment to these goals. Complytek is at the forefront of AI technology, offering pioneering KYC and AML solutions that redefine the industry’s standards. Our website showcases how we harness machine learning to empower businesses, making compliance simpler and more efficient.

Why Complytek? Unmatched Dedication to Innovation and Service

 Christos Ttiniozou, our CTO and Co-founder, emphasizes, “Our rebranding is not just a change of name but a reaffirmation of our commitment.” Complytek’s core values of innovation, service, and dedication to clients remain unchanged. Our new identity and website reflect our journey of growth and our forward-looking approach to providing global compliance solutions.

Exploring the New Complytek Website: A Hub of RegTech Excellence

Our revamped website is designed to offer an immersive experience into our solutions, demonstrating our technological prowess in leveraging AI for compliance. From real-time monitoring to automated regulatory rules engines, we ensure a focused approach to tackling the challenges of compliance. Whether you’re a long-time partner or new to our community, the new Complytek site is your gateway to understanding and accessing leading RegTech solutions.

As we embark on this new chapter as Complytek, our dedication to excellence, innovation, and our clients remains unwavering. We invite you to explore our new website and join us in our mission to revolutionize compliance and regulatory processes. Together, we can create a safer, more compliant world.